About the project

The Architectural Manual of the Přerov District (AMOP in Czech) is a professional popularisation database of the most important architectural and artistic constructions realised in the area of the former Přerov district in the years 1914-1948. The selected buildings are linked to thematic trails and tours which guide visitors through the individual towns and villages with the help of an interactive map. The database is also supplemented by brief biographies of selected architects and other important personalities of the region.

The basis of the database consists of authorial texts that provide a brief history and outline the architectural values of the selected buildings, as well as the life stories of their owners and architects. An integral part of the exhibition is formed of present-day and archival photographic and planning documentation.

The AMOP project is complemented by an accompanying programme of guided walks in individual towns and educational programmes for schools and interest groups.

With its concept, AMOP is directly related to the Brno Architectural Manual (BAM) and thus ranks among other architectural manuals being developed throughout the Czech Republic. (www.architektonicky-manual.cz).

The project is realised by the ʻFor Beautiful Olomoucʼ association thanks to the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and the Olomouc Region.

In coming years, the database will be gradually expanded and supplemented with architectural, artistic, and urbanistic realisations from older and more recent periods.

Project manager

Jana Kiesewetterová

Expert guarantor of the project

Martina Mertová

Texts edited by

Anna Waisserová, Martina Mertová

Authors of the texts

Tereza Holoubková (TH), Lucie Janečková (LJ), Klára Jeništová (KJ), Nela Kvíčalová (NK), Ivana Málková (IM), Martina Mertová (MM), Anna Waisserová (AW)


Michaela Johnová Čapková


Tomáš Pospěch

Archive materials

Comenius Meseum in Přerov, Olomouc Museum of Art

Graphic design

Dita Krouželová and Tomáš Nedoma

English translation

Simon Gill

German translation

Hana Jadrná Matějková


Tereza Holoubková

Creation of database and website

Via Aurea, s.r.o.